This page represents a sampling of past clients served by Douglas C. Frater during Engineering career 1994 - 2019. No copyright infringement and fair use of images is intended. This information is of public record.
FRATER AUTOMATION honors all existing non-disclosure agreements and never discloses past, current or future client intellectual property. Any references made is public information, no confidentiality agreement exists or has expired and references are used with permission and consent and are reprinted for reference only. FRATER AUTOMATION will never disclose customer project information. FRATER AUTOMATION retains no rights of use and no ownership of company logos and trademarks. FRATER AUTOMATION is not affiliated with nor does FRATER AUTOMATION offer any services of referenced entities, neither past or present and does not produce competing products.
FRATER AUTOMATION honors all existing non-disclosure agreements and never discloses past, current or future client intellectual property. Any references made is public information, no confidentiality agreement exists or has expired and references are used with permission and consent and are reprinted for reference only. FRATER AUTOMATION will never disclose customer project information. FRATER AUTOMATION retains no rights of use and no ownership of company logos and trademarks. FRATER AUTOMATION is not affiliated with nor does FRATER AUTOMATION offer any services of referenced entities, neither past or present and does not produce competing products.